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Chaz Stephens

Debate Team Coach

About Chaz Stephens

Chaz Stephens born and raised in Tulsa and is presently residing in Turley, Oklahoma. This school year he helps manage seven Tulsa area schools during the  school year. Serving as  Co-Coach of the Riverfield Speech and Debate Team, where he has helped win 4 of the last 5 consecutive Speech and Debate State Championships. A proud graduate of Union High School, Chaz loves coaching his Alma Mater helping students in grades 8-12. As a coordinator of The Tulsa Debate League, Chaz's focus primarily is on North Tulsa Schools. When he's not teaching debate, Chaz enjoys Tulsa’s beautiful art scene and playing  with his two dogs Agatha and Kunta.

Mr. Stephens will be the Morning Session Speaker on Friday, May 27th at  9:30am.

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