Saniah Redman
May 24 – 7:00pm
University of Tuls Lorton Performance Center
550 South Gary Place
Tulsa, OK 74110
Free & Open to the Public

Saniah is intelligent, kind, quiet, and musically gifted. Not only does she excel academically, but also has a passion for music. Currently, in tenth grade, she is a member of the Enid High School orchestra, where she plays violin, and a member of the praise and worship team at her church, where she plays piano. Saniah has also participated in the Enid community children’s choir. She has created music compositions on the piano for three years and serves as an intern in the music development for Inspire Performing Arts Academy.
Her curiosity and ambition led her to discover and aim to learn a new instrument, the theremin. She desires to become the first African American female theremin instrumentalist. When she is not listening to and exploring music, Saniah can be found watching movies, reading psychology articles, learning boxing with her dad, and spending time with her family. Saniah wants to become a counseling psychologist and music composer when she grows up. She is an older sister to a younger brother and sister and resides in Enid, Oklahoma, with her siblings, mother, and father, who serves in the United States Air Force.